
Colonoscopy is an essential medical test that allows specialists to examine the inside of the colon and rectum. At Hospital del Guadalentín, we offer this service with the highest standards of quality and safety, using advanced technology and sedation techniques, our patients can experience a comfortable and stress-free procedure.

What is a Colonoscopy?

A colonoscopy is an endoscopic examination in which a long, flexible tube with a camera at its end, called a colonoscope, is inserted through the rectum to visualize the entire length of the colon. This procedure is important for detecting polyps, colon cancer, inflammation, and other intestinal abnormalities.

Steps of Colonoscopy

Preparation for a colonoscopy includes a special diet and the use of laxatives to completely clean the intestine.

The procedure itself usually takes between 30 minutes and an hour. However, the duration of a colonoscopy may vary depending on each individual case. 

Generally, some results may be available immediately after the procedure. However, if biopsies are taken during the colonoscopy test, the results may take several days. 

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